We Are Investors With Values
not Just Value Investors

Our test is simple; if we wouldn’t be proud describing our work to our family or reading about it in the newspaper, we shouldn’t do it. We hold ourselves to rigorous ethical standards in all of our work.

To Teach
We typically hire recent graduates and post-graduates who have great raw ability and potential but haven’t developed the relevant skills yet. We put tremendous effort and resources into teaching and training employees today so they can become the stars of tomorrow.
Meet Anna

As our company expands, opportunities for teaching, growth, and mobility multiply. We encourage everyone to share their knowledge. Our internal Wiki on all things Weiss helps us retain our institutional knowledge, repeat profitable transactions, and learn from our mistakes.
Meet Andrew

We hire extraordinary people. We build extraordinary teams. We foster a culture of collaboration where we learn from each other, inspire one another, and share in our successes. We achieve far more together than we ever could on our own.
Meet Di

We encourage independent thought and criticism of standard operating procedures. Ideas are judged on their merit, not on the title of the person proposing them. If an employee thinks we are making a mistake, it is their job to speak up about what we are doing wrong.

Of Ideas
If we had simply continued what we started out doing in 1991, we would be closed today. We are constantly reinventing ourselves and finding new opportunities. Our culture focuses on developing, implementing, and monetizing innovative ideas.
Our employees are proud to work for our mission-driven investors and an organization that donates a significant portion of firm profits to philanthropic causes.
Many of our hires join without prior investing experience, and we provide them with growth opportunities within our culture of meritocracy. Like many other members of our team, I started as an intern.